Sunday, April 11, 2010

Raiding Guild

Today we are sending out packs to take down various drug installations. We're even sending the pups out to take down the lowest profile house.

Wolf-of-the-Bat is especially stoked. He hasn't come from his lair for almost three days due to his disciplined planning and training. Sometimes I think he takes his ideas of human Justice too far. Take it from me: A wolf who over invests itself in any one aspect of life will be consumed by their Rage. All too often I've seen my brothers fall to their cause and not Gaia's.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

New Initiates

It looks like the Sept of the Pure Secret has some earlier than expected new recruits this spring. They have already succeeded in tainting our house with Wyrm-stink the very second they walked in the doors. Not only that, but what kind of werewolves pass out at their greeting howl. Now we have to do it at their RoP.

We hope they do better than our last "pledge class" pack. The elders are still trying to find out what umbral pocket they fell into.

They had their "house warming" ceremony the other night. I'm surprised Brother Speaks-with-Stars is still doing Glass Walker initiations now that he is Athro. His work on his Senior Design is sure to turn the head of the Weaver it's so advanced. These young pups don't see the honor of his time.

Brother Silverjaw puts much stock in the blood of the Silver Fangs and the spirits seem to as well. There is talk though . . . is it true that this one is actually descended from Aleking Axeclaw?

Of course risk is always increasing when Brother Gingerfang brings out the Fetish Whiskey. It claims the memories of many unsuspecting pups. Fianna have always found ways to gain from the loss of pain.

Will they be able to survive the challenges to come?